I love to bake and decorate cupcakes
I love to crochet
I love to get yummy drinks at the local coffee shop
Put all these together and what do you get???
A super yummy
CuPcAkE CoOzIe CrOChEt
I didn't have a pattern to work with, just an empty coffee cup (small) that I saved from the local coffee shop in town. As I was getting in bed tonight I decided that I wasn't tired enough to go to sleep yet, so I got out my yarn and crochet hook and got busy crocheting my new yummy cupcake coozie. It took me about 40 minutes to come up with my own pattern and crochet the whole thing. I think its pretty cute if I do say so myself! :) Now that I know what I'm doing, I plan on making a ton more and hopefully selling them at the coffee shop down the street, as well as in
The Clever Corner's Etsy Shop
I LOVE this! How creative and adorable!! You go Jo! :-)